Fashion Stylist

Online Course

Want to become a Fashion Stylist? You can by studying from ANYWHERE in the world!

Fashion Industry

If you’ve ever felt a natural flair for style, this course is likely calling to you! A career as a stylist is one of the most sought-after today, and we want to help you become one of the best in your field. Whether you aspire to be a magazine, television, or celebrity stylist or aim to style corporate clients, this course is your gateway. You might also want to combine this course with a role in a privately owned boutique as an in-house stylist or enhance your knowledge to work with larger retail stores.
Even if you’re not planning to embark on a new career, this course is an excellent addition for anyone wanting to refine their dress sense and master the art of combining outfits. The content of this course, paired with your passion for fashion, can set you on a transformative path. Completing our Online Fashion Stylist course will open doors to endless opportunities in the styling world! Our Online Stylist Course covers the fundamentals of style and colour, providing a solid foundation to help you start working towards your ultimate career!


Cost: R8 999

PLEASE NOTE: Full payment is required to secure your seat.

Payment includes:
– Training fees
– Training PDF hand book
– Certification with stamp of approval from SA Image Academy as a Stylist

Payment: Full payment is required upon enrollment
Payments are non-refundable, but transferable.

Course Outline

Syllabus Outline

Part 1:

Body Basics (Chapter 1)

Women come in all shapes and sizes, each adding their distinctiveness to the world. The common denominators in all this variation is that most women want to look and feel attractive. They strive to feel self-assured, which in turn allows them the independence to celebrate their individuality in all its forms without obsessing about the way they look.

Create my Colour (Chapter 2 – 3)

When it comes to colour, simply spot-on is the way to go. Our Colour Analysis syllabus covers all the areas of colour analysis, including the theory of colour and directional colour analysis, performing an accurate, informative and enjoyable colour consultation, as well as teaching your clients how to apply their best colours when shopping for clothing or selecting make-up and hair colour.

Part 2:

Style away! (Chapter 4)

Fashion and style are very often mistaken as being the same thing. However, dressing your clients according to their body shape, skin colour tone, age and other elements will not necessarily correspond with what’s hot – and what’s not – on the catwalk. This syllabus offers an in-depth study of what differentiates a stylist with a qualification in image consulting from those who don’t; as well as how image consulting will equip you with all the skills necessary to style for whichever genre you choose – be it studio, television, magazines or bridal.

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