When you think of a tool the first thing that comes to mind is probably a spanner. Well thank goodness we don’t need a spanner for getting dressed. The kind of tools I am referring to are those that will help you get dressed easier. They are easily accessible and I bet you already have one of the four tools in your house that I am about to mention.

Getting dressed should be fun, but sometimes it can be a bit of a challenge. There are so many things to consider, the weather, the occasion, your time and ultimately just your mood in general. It is not every day that you wake up feeling brave or energetic enough to wear that bright top, right? Not to mention the frustration that goes with changing your top or pants because of wrinkles, pet hair, missing buttons, broken zips, coffee stains or those unsightly bra straps.
The thing is, I want you to like getting dressed instead of dreading the thought of trying to put an outfit together. Getting dressed can be fun and should be a way of expressing yourself. It is ultimately the first thing people notice about you. People will judge your image on face value before you even say a word. Getting dressed is something we have to do every day. So you might as well enjoy it and make it count!
So how do we change dreading getting dressed to having fun while doing it? One way is to equip yourself with the right tools. Apart from relying on the basic full-length mirror, iron, hair straightener or curler there are a few other tools that will make getting dressed easier and allow you to look your best.

As a big dog lover, I am constantly caught between cuddling the dogs in lunch breaks, and still looking respectable when getting back to work. As much as I love them their hair tends to cling to everything and once it is there it is a struggle to get out. This brings me to the first tool to making getting dressed easier.
1. Pet hair remover
If you are a pet lover like me, you definitely have to invest in a pet hair remover. The grand thing about this tool is you can also use it on your coach, bed or anything for that matter.
It easily removes pet hair and can remove your own hair as well. Brushing your hair after getting dressed should be avoided, especially if your hair tends to break easily, because those tiny hairs end up on your clothes. This tool will allow you to get dressed easier by avoiding spending ample time trying to pick all the tiny unwanted hairs from your clothes. You can even grab it on the go and roll it over your clothes as you run around the house before running errands. There are many variations of hair removers on the market. They are usually inexpensive and can be used multiple times before having to replace them.
You can find one online at https://www.takealot.com/double-sided-pet-self-cleaning-hair- remover-brush/PLID53430697?gclid=Cj0KCQjw- af6BRC5ARIsAALPIlXLeS4K61RDRLWDEFicBjiSnJAKWd8J2VkcClW6ZasvWmOpTws7YxkaAh6 5EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds

2. The must have bra clip
The basic tool all women should have. Ever changed your top or had to figure out an entire new outfit just because your bra strap keeps showing and you hate going strapless?
For years I limited myself to the style of shirts I could wear, because my bra strap kept showing and I felt so uncomfortable going strapless. The bra clip changed that. It enabled me to hide the bra straps while still having the support and comfort of the straps. They come in different shapes and colours which makes it easy to find the best fit for you. When applying the clip just loosen your straps a bit so that it is long enough to pull inwards without lifting your bra at the back.
Tying in great with the bra clips are the bra extenders. Dressing up for a party or special occasion is a mission. Two months before the event you start asking around what the other ladies are going to wear and scan the shops for something cute to wear. This is usually the perfect opportunity to wear something more daring or revealing. The only problem is your wardrobe is not necessarily accustomed to this wardrobe style and now you have a problem. You can’t wear that dress because the back is too low and your bra will show. The bigger busted ladies can relate, but luckily someone invented nifty tools to help us out.
These bra extenders will allow you to wear blouses or dresses with a low rise at the back without your bra showing. You attach the one part of the extender to your bra clip, wrap it once around your waist and connect it at the back with the clip and wa-lah.
You can find these online at https://www.takealot.com/cleavage-bra-clips-3- pack/PLID44311715?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI2PXQ9Zqd6wIVQuztCh34cgkWEAQYASABEgITlPD_B wE&gclsrc=aw.ds.

3. Hollywood fashion tape
We as women have all probably experienced this before. The gaping shirt. It is a huge fashion don’t, especially in the corporate world and nobody wants their male colleagues staring at them inappropriately. Before you throw out those shirts that gape open, wait, there is an easy way to fix this.
Apply a strand of Hollywood fashion tape, or a good alternative is double sided tape, on the inside of your shirt where you tie the buttons. This will provide a quick fix to your problem and spare you the embarrassment from an awkward encounter. Be sure to remember to remove the tape from your shirt before throwing it in the wash. The tape will leave a sticky residue on your shirt and maybe even smear onto your other clothes in the wash.
You can find these Hollywood fashion tapes online at https://za.iherb.com/pr/Hollywood- Fashion-Secrets-Fashion-Tape-Value-Pack-3-Tins-36-Double-Sided-Strips/94640?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI-J-NyZmd6wIVwu7tCh1O2g- dEAQYASABEgJnQ_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds or just use double sided tape which you can easily find at almost any retail store.

4. The lifesaver safety pin
This little tool can be a life saver as we all know. Not just when a button or zip breaks at the most
inconvenient time, but also when your dress or skirt cling to you.
Garments often cling to you in unflattering ways when static builds up, especially during the dry seasons. It is probably the quickest way to destroy a beautiful outfit, but also the easiest to fix. By simply pinning the safety pin on the inside hem of your skirt or dress it will cause the static electricity to discharge through the pin because it is made of metal (metal is an excellent conductor of electricity). Now not only do you have static free clothing, but you have a safety pin on standby just in case. Running a metal hanger over the clothing a few times will also help calm the crazy. Who ever said science isn’t important and that you will never use it? Just goes to show never say never.
You can get these online for only R 4,14 at https://safetysigns.co.za/safety-pins-bunch- 12’s?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6PLnhJyd6wIVYoBQBh3A0QtBEAQYAiABEgJnsvD_BwE or visit almost any retail store near you.

Ultimately, just have fun while getting dressed. Even if it means you have to put on some music and dance to it. I hope these tools will make getting dressed easier. Here is to no more outfit mishaps and frantically changing outfits every two minutes just because one item needed a small tweak.
Remember, if you LOOK good, you FEEL good and then you DO good!